Feb 18, 2012

Loving Notes

I decided I am going to do something on a daily basis to help express my love for Tom. I think I am going to start leaving him notes to tell him I love him or other random things like "I am thankful for you" or even "you are special to me" I think leaving little notes telling him these things will help keep our live alive. I don't want to be one of those couples that have a love that dies out and become comfortable in our relationship. I am not saying a lot of couples have that or that it happens a lot. But I don't want us to have the thought that because we are spending our life together therefore we don't have to express our love the way we did when we first began dating. If anything being together for the rest of our lives is all the more reason to show our love the same way.

So I am leaving him these little notes randomly. I started it as everyday but now I am making it randomly so he isn't expecting to find a love note in his lunch box everyday or one sitting at his computer everyday to come home to. I think I am going to leave them in random spots for him to find, I just need to think of where I can leave them. This way I can get creative in ways that I can tell him I love him other than simply saying "I love you." Since I began this I have noticed that we smile at each other more. We hug more often and he has been saying he loves me more often. I like the result that I got so far, so I am going to continue it. I also am trying to find my mom's copy of the Love Dare, if I cannot find it then I might have to buy it myself so I can take that challenge. Or maybe I will come up with my own challenge and get creative with it. We shall see.

But the idea of this is making a point and working hard to show the man I love that I indeed love him and only him. He needs to know that at all times and understand that he makes me happy and no one else will have the effect on me that he does. I am eager to see how things will change.

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