Feb 23, 2012

Car Accident

I was in a car accident Tuesday and it was pretty scary. It was my first car accident. Another car flew out in front of me so of course I stopped to avoid an accident, but the car behind me did not. He slammed into my car and I hit my head on the head rest. After I went to the office to do an incident report I went to the hospital because my head hurt and Tom and my bosses wanted me to get checked out. I had whiplash for a couple of days; the first day after the accident it was worse. Now I have to go through the whole process of talking to the insurance agencies and all that.

The past few days I have noticed that I have been driving more carefully. I've been scared to drive more now because I'm afraid Ill get hit again, and possibly worse. I am constantly looking at the other drivers worried that they are too close to my car. I worry about the other cars being to close and forget the mack trucks. I was always afraid of them and now it's worse. I'm scared they are too close or that they might try to change lanes while I am still beside them.

I am happy that I wasn't hurt more or that the car was not damaged more than it was, but I wish I wasn't scared like I a. Hopefully it will go away soon. Its not like I am going to be in an accident every single day, I pray I wouldn't be. At least I am driving safer now.

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