Feb 17, 2009


I just read a blog from one of my dearest friends. She was talking about the different paths that we take in life. She was saying sometimes people stay stagnate and just don't move from the point they are at. Like we come to the end of a path, and instead of beginning a new path many people just stay where they are and don't look to see what else is out there. I think people tend to do this with God as well. They come to a point in their faith where they are content with things, and they don't take on a new path in life.

Every path that we take will always end at some point, and when we come to that end point we need to decide on our next path or to stay stagnate as Carrie was saying. But when we remain stagnate and don't do anything else how can we grow and how can we learn? We cannot learn anything new when we don't try new things and go on a different path. We need to remember that different paths can teach us different things. When we look at the past paths we see where we came from and see what we need to learn and the things we already have learned. Our past paths shaped who we are now, and our future paths shape who we are going to be. We cannot remain stagnate in any aspect of our lives, relationships, career, faith etc. Go after your dreams, follow your heart, and grow in God's will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that fabulous author of that blog you mentioned. Oh wait...it's me! HA HA! I have finally accomplished something with my writing that I set out to do. With that blog, I was hoping readers would put their lives and things in their lives, into perspective and at least think about what we do with our lives, or what we don't do. I made someone, you, think about the paths in our lives! WHOO! I am overjoyed that it actually spoke to someone other than just me!
Oh the way baby steps make me feel as a writer! Happy happy, joy joy! I totaly gotta tune into this blog more often...I forgot about it in the midst of the myspace blogs and personal fiasco that is my life! Rock (or should I say Write) on Sister!