Feb 23, 2009


A few years back a friend of mine said something to me that has stuck and still makes me think to this day. He said "fish belong in the sea, birds in the air, where is it you belong." That has been something I have been trying to figure out for so long. How do we know where exactly we belong in this life? We try to identify ourselves with so many things: clothes, friends, hair, relationships, even our faith. I know people who are active within their churches only to say "look at what I am doing" I don't think that is a good way to grow in Christ and figure out where we belong.

I have prayed and searched my soul for years about trying to figure out who I am and how I fit into this world and the answer I have come to is that I am just me. I am the person that God made me to be and there will be times when I will disappoint people or upset them for one reason or another or even offend someone for some reason. But I belong wherever it is that I am. I am just perfect the way I am and I feel like I belong wherever I let my life take me. I think that could be the key to knowing God's will. Praying about it and then letting him lead our lives and take us wherever we go. That takes a lot of trust, and when we trust that much and allow GOd to take control of our lives it is easier to feel like we belong somewhere.

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