Feb 20, 2009


I actually had to work on this subject for a church board meeting, so I decided to just post what I learned and thought based on the scripture that Pastor gave me and the topic which obviously was confidence. I haven't had much confidence in my life. I'm not really sure why, i just never have. Though lately my confidence level has been rising and again I am not sure what is causing that. Pihilippians 3:4-5 tells us "We put no confidence in human efforts. Instead we boast about what Christ has done for us. Yet I could have confidence in myself if anyone could. If others have reason for confidence in their efforts I have even more." What I think Peter is trying to say with this is that we have confidence in God. When we try to do anything we have God at our sides so we should be confident that God will take care of things.

We cannot try to put confidence in ourselves or even others because we will undoubtedly fail at some point and end up disappointed. When we put our confidence in God, we trust that things will work out the way he wants them too instead of how we want them too. It is not the things that we do or say that gives confidence or even eternal life; but it is our faith in God, trust in Him, and that salvation comes from those things.

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