Feb 9, 2009


Jealousy is a funny little thing. We all experience it at some point in our lives, but some deal with it better than others. Some take their jealousy to uncontrolled levels and start trying to control their spouse or acting out towards the person they are jealous at. I'm going to talk more in terms of jealousy in relationships. So anyway when jealousy takes over in our relationships there are many different bad consequences and you begin to no longer trust them and are constantly questioning their motives for going out, talking to friends or even not callin you. God doesn't want us to act like that. We need to trust each other, just like we would trust God. When we trust each other we respect each other and we are able to have more time to spend with God instead of trying to find out what our spouses are up to.

When it comes to romantic relationships I don't think God would want us to constantly be questioning our spouse. I mean there are times when I don't get to talk to Nate and it does make me sad, but I know there is a good reason why and I trust that he is being loyal whereas there would be women who would constantly call him to find out what he is doing or who he is with. When you are in love with someone you do not treat them like they are less than you which is sometimes what jealousy makes our spouses feel. It takes away all the trust and respect out of a relation and it takes away from our relationship with God. If we can't trust our spouses how can we fully unconditionally trust God? I think that if we can't trust the people in our lives, we can't completely trust God the way we need to.

When we begin to feel jealous about something within our life, we need to stop and pray to God. We need to ask God for the strength and help to deal with our jealousy and find ways to deal with it better than constantly "checking up" on our spouses.

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