Sep 26, 2008


As you know I have been reading through the book The Five Love Languages. Dr. Chapman goes through the different lanugages of love and how they make a difference in our relationships. One of the languages was words. I have finished the book about two weeks ago, but I have still be thinking about it and how some if not all of them could relate to God and how we show God's love to others.

Of course our words to others are important. I think no matter what simply saying "I appreciate you" goes a long way. I know how important it is to hear someone say they need you or love you as well. The same would go for God. God wants to hear us speaking of our love for him. Of course we can say we love God to other Christians, but not say a word about him to non-Christians..what does that show about our love for God?

I think part of witnessing is showing our love for God (well duh right) but I don't think witnessing is just telling friends about God, but saying things like "Well I love God and I want to make him happy so I won't do that..." or whatever. Our words can be so incredibly powerful no matter who we are talking about. Shouldn't we constantly say I love God just as much as we would say I love steak or some other thing. We tend to be quick to say I love mundane things yet its so hard to say I love God.

We need to get away from keeping our love for God a secret and work towards shouting from the rooftops...I LOVE GOD!

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