Sep 23, 2008

My Lunch

Pastor Paul gave a moving sermon on Sunday about giving "your lunch" to Jesus. He talked about the feeding of the five hundred and mention that at some point the little boy who had the fish and bread had to give them to Jesus. The young boy sacrificed his lunch for Jesus, something that gave him nourishment. The young boy sacrificed his food, his life force for Jesus with the faith that Jesus could feed not only him, but the five thousand men in the crowd. Are we that willing to give something to God in order that he could bless others? Years ago Pastor started YES Camp in hopes of providing something to less fortunate children. This past year Yes Camp had 100 campers, the second highest. If pastor didn't give his lunch: his time, efforts, and sometimes money to Jesus for the use of Camp, the thousands of kids that came to God as a result of camp wouldn't have.

Too often we are reluctant to give anything in the name of Jesus. We are reluctant to give our money thinking the pastor is the one who gets it, when in reality the church needs tithes to function. Many churches fail as a result of the congregation not tithing! That should not be happening.

I am sitting here thinking of what can I do for my church, what can I give so that God could bless others through my givings. Right now I can't tithe as I have no job, but when I can I do. I give my time to the ladies fund-raisers and other things the church does, and many other things. I don't do them for my own glory, but for the glory of God so that our church could reach out to others and provide services that are needed within the community such as a nursery school, Celebrate Recovery, and a Cancer Support Group (which I decided to name after this blog).

What are you willing to give to Jesus? Are you willing to give your lunch so to speak? We need to band together and use our talents, money, and more to help the church of God to expand no matter what church we go to. It doesn't matter if you are catholic, presbyterian, methodist, pentecostal, baptist, or non-traditional such as ROL. When we give to God in faith, we give to God together for one purpose. So give your lunch, give your time....give yourself to God.

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