Sep 19, 2008

That Little Voice

We all know it, we've all heard it. That little voice telling you to do something you wouldn't think of doing. It could be as simple as "why not send the woman in the hospital a card" or "I should go visit..." Then it could be as complex as "Pray for him" "Pray with him." Normally I get the little voice telling me to do things I see as simple like welcoming a visitor to church or giving a friend a call or something like that. But last was different....

Last night was the fourth night of the Bethlehem Baptist Tent Revival. The Baptist church here in town has an annual revival with pastors from the area giving a different sermon each night. Pastor Paul had a powerful message on Monday about faith...but last night...had impact. Reverend Davis the host pastor gave his testimony..I admit there were times when I cried. He mentioned a scripture that helped him at one point: Psalm 137 the little voice said: Write that is needed. Then as the service was coming to a close, Rev. Davis was still talking it felt like my heart was talking to me. Saying "Pray for Todd. DO IT." I tried to fight it and say I'll talk to him then pray on Sunday if he's ok with me mentioning things. But the little voice kept saying "Do it." and it just got stronger as the time went.

It is times like that when I know that little voice is God telling me to do something. People who haven't experienced the voice or rather God's voice think that it's their subconscience telling them to do something even the small things, but it's not...It's God. I know God was telling me to pray for Todd, and he wanted me to pray with Pastor Paul not the other two for some reason. I know the reason, but I am not going into details on this blog out of respect for both Todd, and Pastor.

But the point is the voice was so strong, I have never felt anything stronger other than the day I accepted Jesus into my life. Even then it was different there was more urgency. No matter how the voice sounds we need to listen to it. We may think it is nothing, but it could be God telling you to do something, he could have a reason why he wants you to call someone. Listen to the voice...listen to God.

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