Sep 5, 2008

HIding From God

The book of Job has many wonderful scripture that we need to pay attention to and take to heart. So much of what is said can be applied to how we feel and deal with things on a daily basis. Wednesday night Bible studies are always wonderful because we are going through Job, and Pastor Marvin has insight like no other I've heard. In the 22nd chapter (I know I did chapter 23 yesterday) it is actually Eliphaz who says something profound. He tells Job "God is so great -- higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars. But you reply, that's why God can't see what I am doing! How can he judge through the thick darkness? For thick clouds swirl about him, and he cannot see us. He is way up there walking on the vault of heaven."

Too often we think that God cannot see the little things that we do. We think that since he is up in heaven he cannot see the "little" sin we commit like if we tell a little fib or something. But sorry to say God sees everything no matter how small we may think it is. I will stress this again God sees everything we do! We cannot hide anything from God. No matter how hard we try God sees it all which is why we need to do what we could to stop the temptations that we tend to fall into. We need to take the measures needed to eliminate sin from our live granted we will never eliminate it all, but there are things we can consciencously fix. telling fibs even if we call it a little white lie is something we can stop, gossiping about other people around us is another. There are things we can easily stop doing in order to purify our hearts and minds so we can focus more on God.

Too often we think that because there are so many people in the world God cannot see everything we do since he is watching Joe Shmoe down the street. Sometimes we think how could he see this little thing when so and so is committing adultry or murders in the world. Again God sees it all. There is no possible way for us to hide anything from God. We shouldn't even try to hide things from God. Imagine if you tried to hide something from your mom or dad while growing up? Did it ever work?? Hardly ever..I know I could never hide anything from my mom, so why should we try to hide from our Heavenly Father?

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