Sep 12, 2008

God's Love

The Bible constantly talks about how God's love shines so bright. It talks about his love being the greatest thing we can experience, yet we don't have the capacity to comprehend the greatness of his love. We know God's love is great because he sent his son to die on the cross for us, but do we realize how bright his love is and how wonderful it is?

Job's friend Bildad tried to explain God's love and glory by simply saying that "God is so glorious that even the moon and the stars scarcely shine compared to him." He is saying that when compared to God's love and glory even the moon, stars, and sun above seem dim and dull. Nothing can measure up to God's love not even the brightest things we can comprehend. Everything in God's creation, even the moon and stars know of his glory and bow before him.

Shouldn't we be trying to show that kind of love and glory through our actions? I already talked about how our words can show God's love, but our actions can do the same. God's glory can radiate through how we act and how we treat others and the things that we do in life. We could never measure up to the glory of God, the most we can do is show his glory through our own lives, yet it still won't seem to be enough.

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