Jul 31, 2008

RMU Shootings

Last week there were a bunch of coverage that dealt with a shooting at Robert Morris University. If you don't know that was the college I went to. It's frightening to know that the college I felt safe at had a shooting. From what I gathered two students were killed and one seriously injured. With stories like this: shootings in high schools and colleges, where can students feel safe? It seems like we can't even go to student for an education without wondering if someone will come in with a gun. I pray for the schools of this nation. I pray for our students and those who are thinking about harming our students.

I wonder what was going through the minds of the other students, friends, family, staff. I know if I was still at school many people here at home would be so worried. It's scary to think that if this happened a few years ago; I could have still been on campus. I pray for the families and friends of the students killed and the one injured. I also pray for the killer and his family. What would be going through their heads about what their son did? What could be going through HIS head knowing what he did.

I don't know the full story or why this man shot his fellow students. I know God knows what was going on inside his head and heart and will judge him justly. I pray that he seeks God's forgiveness and maybe one day the forgiveness of those he harmed. It makes me think of the story of the man who killed the children in the Amish school, and their parents forgave him, was at his funeral. It takes a lot of strength to one ask for forgiveness, and two give it lovingly the way the Amish families did. The Bible talks of asking for forgiveness, not just from God, but the ones who we have harmed: If you enter your place of worship and about to make an offering, you suddenly remember a grudge a friend has against you, abandon your offering, leave immediately, go to this friend and make things right. Then and only then, come back and work things out with God. (Matthew 5:23-24).

I ask God to forgive this man. Forgive all those who are sitting at home judging him, hating him, and thinking other bad thoughts about him. Only God can know what went through his head. All we as a community can do is pray for him and all those involved.

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