Jul 21, 2008


The past week there has been a bit of drama within my church. There are people who are out to take our church and our pastor down. But one thing that those who want to harm us don't expect is the unity within our church. Churches need to stand as one and be unified.Ephesians 4:13 tells us "we come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God's Son that we will be mature and full grown in the Lord, measuring up to the full stature of Christ." When we grow in God we measure up to what Christ has planned for us, we are able to be in a unity that God wants us to have. We cannot let people who try to bring us down succeed.

We are supposed to support one another and be unified and build a hedge when something terrible comes into the picture. We fasted some of the worst things said about our church board, pastor, and the church itself. We prayed together, held our arms out to those in need and pulled together to be one instead of a divided church. I am proud to say that The River Of Life Christian Fellowship can stand as one, and that the evildoers can't shake us. If anything it would just make us stand stronger.

A church shouldn't allow people to say things about them, yes many things we can ignore and let bypass us, but there are things we need to pray about and work to demolish. When a church is doing good and gaining power, Satan gets scared and tries to tear them down. Should we let them? Of course not! That is the true test of how strong a church is together. We past that first test, and I know there will be more, and I am sure we will handle it in the same manner and once again stand strong as one.

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