Jul 16, 2008

Jesus In My Heart

Yesterday I mentioned how children are able to believe in God while adults sometimes find it hard. During Monday's RWG {Rapping With God} we did a puppet show: the puppet was Miss Molly. She was just a sock puppet, but the kids loved her. She had no eyes so Miss Georgine gave her some. Georgine moved from giving the puppet eyes to God giving us eyes to see the world differently. She also mentioned that we in fact don't need eyes to see Jesus; but that we see Jesus within our hearts.

The children ate it up. They loved knowing that they can see Jesus in their hearts and when we had a carnival the most popular wash off tattoo they wanted was one that said "I have Jesus in my heart." The kids weren't afraid to say they have Jesus in their hearts, but too often we adults are afraid to stand up and say "I am a Christian" Why? Just because we are worried about what others would say? Jesus is the one who gave sight to see Him, he gives us light in times of darkness, yet we aren't as quick to proclaim our love for him as my kids were.

One day we were at the lake and I was building a sand village with some of the boys. One young man: Daymon; spoke up and said our village needed a church he then proceeded to build one out of sand and a few rocks. Another little boy said our village needed YES Camp. My kids were hungry for a way to express their love for God, yet as adults we find it hard to even tell someone we believe in Jesus. I will be the first to admit I have a hard time witnessing to others, and I don't understand why especially after spending a week with kids who were so open about it.

I read a blog today "Wake Up and Do The Little Things" What I read was about us being treasures to God even though we are broken, sinful and so much more. God sees us as treasures: shouldn't we see Him as the same? Matthew 6:21 says Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be. When we being seeing that God is a treasure and knowing that we can see Him no matter what then it just radiates from us and people can see God is in our hearts.

Children already know that they hold Jesus as a treasure and it show through our kids this past week. They were able to show the love of God because they openly held Him as a treasure and felt they had nothing to worry about. Should we adults be doing the same thing? Should see believe we can see Him in our hearts and hold Him as a treasure just as he does us?

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