Jul 18, 2008

Man Sues Zondervan

Yes you read the title right: a man is suing Zondervan Publishing Company. When Todd told me this story I don't really believe it until I read it online today. A man named Bradley Fowler is suing the publishing company because of 1 Corinthians 6:9 which states: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit it kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexual immoral nor idolaters, adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders This man is saying because of that verse he has been made an outcast from his family. He is suing Zondervan for 60 million dollars! He doesn't want the verse taken out of the Bible, but for Zondervan to take responsibility because he says they printed it with malicious negligence.

If one person thinks he can sue the publishing company because of something it says, then we all could sue a company for something we may find offensive. Just because the Bible says something is a sin doesn't mean the company who publish it is being negligent or is trying to isolate someone. This man is also saying that this verse caused "
me or anyone who is a homosexual to endure verbal abuse, discrimination, episodes of hate, and physical violence ... including murder. " Just because the Bible says something is a sin, doesn't mean it is promoting violence, hate, murder etc against someone who commits the sin, in fact we teach against that kind of thing. I think if this man has read the Bible in it's entirety he would see that.

Stories like this make me wonder what our world is coming too. This isn't what God had envisioned when he created the world.

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