Jul 28, 2008

Irrational Fears

Irrational fears, yes we all have them. But why? Why do we have all these irrational fears, even if they seem rational to us? I admit I have a few irrational fears about numerous different things. I have a fear of driving, and while those around me try to convince me it's irrational. To me it is for some odd reason. I've haven't gotten any reason other than a small accident my mom and I were in this winter, to justify my fear. It is partly because of this fear that I don't drive.

We tend to let our fears to overcome the things we do want. I want to drive, I want to be able to go where I want, such as to see Todd instead of him having to drive here all the time. I who have a dear friend who has a fear of getting remarried. He is in his later 30's, and has two kids. I understand his fears and see why he justifies them, but at the same time I wonder why let those fears come in the way of marring someone who he truly loves and truly loves him in return. (I hope he doesn't get mad at me for using him as an example too....)

There is so much in life that we experience and potentially lose out on because of our fears. Isn't one way to overcome fears to face your fears? Look at me I'm facing mine and going to drive, thankfully I feel more than safe with my teacher :) David writes in Psalm: I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me, freeing me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4) God didn't give us a heart of fear or a spirit of fear. So why do we still have them? Could it be Satan's way of stopping us from doing things that could empower us more? by giving me a fear of driving; i relay on people
to help me go where I want. I can't do some thing that I dream of doing.

The Bible has many different verses that talk about not having fear.

Isaiah 8:13 do not fear anything except the Lord Almighty. He alone is the Holy One. If you fear him, you need fear nothing else.

Psalm 27:3 ...My heart will know no fear.. (there are others around that but I left them out.)

Isaiah tells us to not fear anything except God, and David wrote that his heart with know no fear. If we are being told to fear nothing and not of have a heart of fear, why does fear seem to rule our lives? Why are we stuck to our irrational fears, or even our rational ones? Other than facing our fears head on how do we overcome them? One of the most obvious ways is of course to pray. We need to lean on God for help to overcome these fears so we can move on to something we hope for. Sometimes our fears won't be overcome if we don't face them and see. I know I had a fear of failing. Failing in everything I tried to do, so I didn't everything I wanted to. I succeeded in some, failed in others, but it was ok. I faced it. How can we get rid of fear of failure, driving, swimming, fear of anything unless we tried?

I know admitting that I have an irrational fear of driving helped me want to conquer it more. How bout you? How will you overcome your irrational fears?

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