Jul 1, 2008

Comfort Zones

This week I will be at a camp my church hosts called YES Camp. What it is is Y.outh E.xperiencing S.alvation. What we do is take children for a week long camping experience like most summer camps do. We will have games, crafts, swimming, and more. The camp is split into junior and senior camps. I will be a cabin director for the junior camp: the camp for children 6-10. I am excited yet scared at the same time: mainly because I will be stepping out of my comfort zone.

I think we are content in living in a comfort zone, but the problem is that when we are in these comfort zones we don't grow that much. We don't rely on God to help us through the scary moments. We stay kind of stagnent and we don't try to step out of that zone in order to grow closer to God. Whenever we do step out of that zone, we almost always will grow closer to God. He won't let us fall flat on our faces!

I am so excited that I am taking this chance and stepping out of my zone and doing something different. No matter what I do during the week I will grow closer to God while bringing children closer to God. When we cling to our comfort zones we cling to uncertainty. We think we know things are a certain way when they aren't because we don't put ourselves out there to be vulnerable to learn more about Jesus and what it means to trust him. So I am stepping out of my comfort zone. When will you step out of yours?

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