Jul 7, 2008

Purpose Driven Life

Todd and I have decided to go through the Purpose Driven Life together. We thought it would be not only a good way to grow closer to God and to each other, but it's a great way to keep God the center of our relationship along with going to Bible Study and doing our own studies. The Purpose Driven Life not only helps you find the purpose for your own life, but reminds you that we all have the same purpose: serving and worshiping God.

Rick Warren says so many things that makes a lot of sense. Right now Todd and I are in the section that talks about us being a part of God's family; the church. There is a reason we call our churches: our church family. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ yet we don't act like it. I am finding this section so interesting and real meaningful. The first one talked about remembering that God is the center of everything. It really does make you think, as does the questions at the end of each chapter. I have been writing down the questions and my answers on one of my other blogs. I may decided to post some here.

Reading Rick's book has made me really think about not just my relationship with God, but my relationship with other people. One of the things I wrote last week about taking a moral inventory was that I don't feel compassion for people sometimes and I really do need to change that. I need to support my brother man by showing compassion and not getting frustrated at times. How does not having compassion show God's love for us? Isn't part of being a Christian just that: showing compassion and God's love through our actions?

There is something in the 17th chapter that hit me last night when Todd and I was reading it, and it was "..God expects you to show other believers -- a willingness to love them in the same way Jesus loves you." Do we really do this? Do we really show a sacrifical love to other Christians?

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