Jul 2, 2008

Importance of Church

Church is such an important thing. I know there are many people who follow the idea that one does not need to go to church in order to worship God, and that's fine, but honestly are you worshiping God outside of church? And how do you find out your purpose for the Body of Christ if you are not a part of it? Rick Warren said "We need more than the Bible in order to grow, we need other believers. We grow faster and stronger by learning from each other and being accountable to each other." When I read that the other night it struck me. Of course we need more than the Bible to grow. How else do we get support and pray with others when we are in fellowship with them?

The Bible tells us "As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." There is nothing like being within the church and growing together and being healthy within our spiritual walk. As we do our own part through the church we grow and those who work with us grow. The same goes with us working with others. That is why I am helping at Y.E.S. Camp this week. I can grow as I work with Pastor Marvin and the kids. I step out of my comfort zone which we all need to do.

When we are in a church we are a part of a family of course. What would it be like if you stopped being with your family? I know at times we feel isolated and that when we do fellowship it seems forced; but at the same time God knows the sincerity of our hearts that we want to be in fellowship even if our feelings aren't the same. The more we spend in fellowship the more that feeling goes away.

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