May 5, 2008

Trusting God

One thing that some atheists have asked me was how can I trust God when I cannot see, touch, or audibally hear Him. Trusting in God is a part of having faith in God. Though granted it is hard to trust in God, constantly with all things one needs to go through in life. Part of trusting God is trusting in His timing and His plan, not our timing and plans. We need to rely on God and not on our own devises, we cannot possibly be able to do the things that God can. We cannot possibly think we can solve our problems the only way God can.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil. That verse comes from Proverbs 3 5-7. When we trust in God it should be with all of our hearts, not half-heartedly like we would with some people in our lives. God is not just anyone. We shouldn't lean on the things we know or think
we know because we are not all knowing as our Lord is. God knows everything that will come to pass and we need to pray and trust that he will guide us as the verse tells us. When we put all trust in Him our paths will lead to Him and eternal life with Him.

We need to act as though we know nothing, because in the grander scheme of things we don't. We don't know how things will happen or when they will happen. And when they do h
appen we need to trust that God knows where our path is headed whether it be good or bad. Trusting in God shows great faith in God as we walk broken roads. We don't know where the path will lead us, so we need to trust in God: Walk by faith not by sight as the verse, and song go. Have faith, trust in the Lord our God. He will direct our path. Trust in God and not your own understandings.

1 comment:

Andrew Clarke said...

Good post! When an atheist asked me rather scornfully how I could believe in God the answer that came to me was, I can see how a lot of good is possible in the world and yet how any mere human being will let you down at some time. There has to be more than the mere human being if you can have any hope in life. That answer pulls people up because they can see that you mean them! They do not impress you the way they might wish they did. It's true any way. The hand of God is visible in the marvel of creation, the world, yet the blight on it shows too, and that is where humanity blighted it with their sin.