May 28, 2008

Love Nevers

Chapter 13 in 1 Corinthians is commonly known as the love chapter. It discusses how love is, and what it isn't. Every has heard of the "love is kind, love is patient." aspect of the chapter. It says "Love is not jealous, or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way" Then further it says "Love does not give up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance." Through 13 verse Chapter 13 talks about the things love is and isn't. But through them all, love also doesn't play the "if you love me game" and many others we tend to do.

Alot of the things described in this chapter not only describe human love, but also the love of God. God doesn't get jealous or boastful, he doesn't keep a record of our sins after we ask for forgiveness. How many couples can honestly say they don't do any of that mainly keep record of wrongs done? Perfect love doesn't do any of that, it is hopeful and supportive as Song of Solomon in the Old Testament discussed. We tend to confuse love and lust all the time. WE think we are in love, but it tends to be lust. When something happens and things get rough we often turn into the fight or flight. Love doesn't do that. Love fights.

Love also doesn't do the if you love me. God doesn't do the if you love me then. How could we say that to not only someone we claim to love, but also God? I dated someone who did the if you love bit. It hurt more than anything. His biggest was if you love me then you'd move to California. Which was something I couldn't do. At the same time having him do that makes me appreciate that God doesn't play that game and neither does Todd. With him it's more of I love you so I'll do this, and vise versa. God does that too. I love you so I forgive you of everything. I love you so I'll send my son to die for your sins. I love you so I will give you everlasting life. What do we say to God? If you love me you would take this cancer away, if you love me you would send more money..etc. We constantly say 'if you love me" to God. We should never do something like that to God or to someone we love.

We need to stop asking God "if you love me" and start saying I love you so..this will happen. How much do you love God? Enough to give your life to him? Enough to stop asking for proof? How about enough to stop doing somethings that we do?

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