May 16, 2008

Too Hard??

The book of Malachi is full of God speaking to Malachi the prophet. Much of which deals with the love of God and the actions of his people. We looked at chapter 1 verse 2 where we saw that God loves us deeply yet we still wonder. Farther in the chapter God talks more of respect and honor.

"A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master. I am your father and your master, but where are the honor and respect i deserve. You have despised my name!" Verse 6 God's saying we fail him because we don't honor and respect him as we should. We don't follow the Bible, we judge others, we lie (little fibs count), some cheat. We fall very short of honoring God the way we should. But he still loves us and still sent Jesus to die for us. Who needs proof of how deep his love is? It's right there.

The chapter goes on to say in verse 13 "You say 'It's too hard to serve the Lord," We always think it is too hard to serve God because it seems like a bunch of rules, or hardships and "no fun" as some people would say. No one said being a Christian will be the easiest thing to do. In fact it is hard, yet we still serve God and need to honor him in all we do. We need to give praise through the good times and the bad, we need to repent (and be sincere in it), we need to fight temptations, pray, go to church and fellowship, read our Bibles. It is hard, but it's worth it.

Some people say it's hard keeping God the center of your life, with everything else going on. In fact keeping God the center is one of the easiest things to do. Before eating say a prayer of thanksgiving. Instead of watching an hour of reruns get into the word and read what he has said, pray. Talk about him don't just ask Jesus in and then leave him in the corner. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is living in you.

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