May 22, 2008

Our Giants

We all know the story of David and Goliath. Young shepherd boy defeats giant. The Israelites were being terrorized by Goliath, everyone feared him, but David faced him with a sling, a rock or two and more power than anyone: faith in God. No one wanted to face this giant, but David had such faith in God that he didn't let Goliath's size to intimidate him. He let the power of God overcome the fear. David went face to face against an enemy that the strongest of soldiers cowered away from. That is how we need to face cancer. We need to have the courage to face an enemy that strikes fear into most people's hearts. Throughout all things life deals us, cancer has now become our giant, our Goliath. We need to decide how we want to face him. We can back down and cower like many of the Israelite army, or we can be like David and face it head on with everything we have, even if it seems little. Our greatest weapon is our faith in God. Many people won't think it is all that powerful, but we know different don't we? Faith is the strongest thing we have to fight against everything that is thrown at us.

Sometimes we let the hardships in life overpower our faith and take away the hope we have. Things in life tend to pile up and become more than we can bear, but doesn't God tells us he wouldn't give us more than we can bear? So how can it all be unbearable? I know a woman who recently lost her husband to a car accident. She suffers from depression and other things. Right now it all seems unbearable and hard for her to deal with the lose of someone who she saw as her rock and stronghold...I got to thinking when we need a rock, a stronghold, it should be God. It's ok to have our spouses as a stronghold and supportive that's the point of spending your life with someone to be there for them, but what do you do when you lose that support? What you should do all the time...lean on God. Call out to him.

1 Samuel 17:45 says I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts. We need to come to God in his name. We need to face our giants whatever they may be. God is there to help us fight off our giants whether they be cancer, depression, heart issues, lose, illness of any sort, feelings of hopelessness. Whatever your giant is we need to face it head on as David did. We need to cry out the name of Jesus and let the giant know that we're fighting with our faith and our God.

1 comment:

Wavecritter said...

"Cancer The Goliath of Today" We must face it just like this, brilliant post THX! :) God Bless :)