May 6, 2008

Holding On To Hope

I was unsure of what to write about today. There are so many thoughts and ideas running around my head today on various different scripture and what they could mean. I decided I will keep on the theme of hope and trusting God. For more than one reason, one of which is that it's a chapter in my book. Hope is a very interesting emotion or thought depending on what you consider it. Hope is something that we lose easily if things aren't going the way we want them too. Hope is important and in the words of Rick Warren, we need hope to cope.

There are so many different verse within the Bible that talks
about hope and finding and holding on to the hope we find within Jesus. One of the most common and most know verses comes from Matthew chapter 19 verse 26. It says But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, with men this is impossible, and with God all things are possible. With God all things are possible; what hope that gives us! We need to rely on God for all things in life, not just the bad things. We need to cling to the hope of what the future may hold for us and see that nothing but good could come from bad situations.

When we rely on God anything is possible, miracles can happen, people are healed, people get jobs they need, life seems to fall into place when we trust in God. Sometimes...we trust and rely on God...He brings us love. We need to hold on the hope of something better. The hope that God has a divine plan for us, and we all know that He does. Its when we lose hope that everything seems to go awry.

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