May 20, 2008

A Waiting Lord

Malachi has a lot of interesting verse that say a lot about the God we serve. God reveals a lot about himself through his conversation with Malachi. In the last post we talked of how we tend to try to make God change to meet our needs. In chapter three verse six says I am the Lord, and I do not change. We cannot try to make God change, the efforts will be futile. We cannot ever change God, he is God. We should be the ones that need to change. Lives could be better if we do.

In verse seven God says
Now return to me, and I will return to you. God is always there, waiting for us to return to him. He never goes anywhere. His patience is endless. We fall short of his glory, and do things that make him weary and I believe sad, yet he still waits for us to return to him. God wants us to return to him, he made covenants with us through people like Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. God will never once leave us, so why is it we leave him?

The response to God saying return to me is
How can we return when we have never gone away we tend to think we have not sinned, that there is no reason for us to return to God. How could we ask such a question? We always stray away from Christ, we need to admit that we stray and return to him.

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