May 9, 2008


I have been look a lot into rejoicing in the Lord when depression seems to sink in. It's when depression rears it's ugly head that it seems so incredibly hard to rejoice in the Lord. We feel so down, and couldn't imagine God hearing our praise and prayers when we think so little of ourselves. When we read scripture with depression, it seems like the words aren't hitting the way they normally do, and worship/praise songs don't seem to have the same effect they do otherwise. Throughout the Bible there are scripture and stories about people who struggle with depression in one way or another: Job, and David are two of the most thought of. Many of David's Psalms where written in a fit of depression calling out to God. Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine, even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty.....yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my Salvation. The Sovereign Lord is my strength! Habukkuk also knew the pains one can feel during times of trials. Chapter 3 verse 17 through 19 show us that Habukkuk wanted to be joyful in the Lord. Don't we all want to be joyful? We just find it hard sometimes. Habukkuk didn't want to let the elements around him effect his relationship with God, and we shouldn't either.

Granted our emotions effect how we think and feel at times, but we need to push through the depressive thoughts. Though the scriptures may not seem helpful at the time, deep inside they are. They help rid your mind of depression as you think about what you've read. Habukkuk and many others throughout the Bible have said that the Lord is their strength. God is our strength and refuge. We need to lean on him and rely on his strength to life us up on wings and Isaiah said.

Rely on God the Father and make him your strong tower in times of need. Rejoice in the Lord always, rely on him for the strength you need. Rejoice when things seem, lost because with God we have everything!

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