May 7, 2008

Mount Up On Wings

There will be times throughout our lives when we feel so weak and unable to do things. Life throws us things that at times we feel like we don't have the strength to endure what comes out way. Life is hard on a daily basis, and it seems to be harder when you don't rely on your faith in God and cling to your hope in God. To often the burdens of life's trial cause us to lose our hope in the power that is in God.

Isaiah 40:31 tells us
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. This verse tells us a lot about the love of God. He lifts us up during our times of heartache and trials. When we wait upon him and have faith and hope that the Lord will renew our strength, he will. He will life us up higher than we could imagine. We need to look towards God as our refuge and strength and He will lift us up as eagles soar. He will give us strength to go on through the trials without feeling weak and weary.

When we rely on God and have hope that things will get better soon and see the good within the bad we will have strength like no other, we will be able to see clearly so to speak. Hope in the Lord restores our energy and strength. When trials head our way, the best plan is always the same call upon the Lord. He will give you the strength you need.

1 comment:

Peter M. Lopez said...

So true. Excellent post. I will continue to read. Thank you for commenting on my blog, I have linked back to yours as well.