May 29, 2008


Throughout life we go through many different hardships. Some of us fight cancer, heart problems, AIDS, and other health issues, others battle depression, oppression, self-guilt, and many other things. No matter who we are, we deal with some sort of hardship throughout our lives. Many hardships come in twos like health problems and depression. Depression likes to follow a lot of things around and find ways to dig it's grimmy little hands into your mind.

No matter the hardship God is there with us. He's there carrying us, we need to trust that and rely on him for that. Job 12:22 tells us He floods the darkness with light, he brings light to the deepest gloom. When we place all of our focus on God, the depressive thoughts seem less depressive, but I know how hard it is to put all focus on God when your mind is running through so many different things, some things that you know aren't true. Depression can say that asking for prayer is seeking attention, when we know in reality it's not. Prayer is a form of support and a way we all communicate with God. The Bible also says "when two or more are gathered." No matter how we feel prayer is one of the best things we can do. But as stated sometimes asking for prayer can be difficult in a depressive/oppressive state. So what do we do then?

Read our Bibles; confide in our support whether it be friends family, spouse. For me; my biggest confidant are Todd and Donya, though I admit when going through the cancer I didn't tell Donya everything; I didn't know Todd then, but I think I would tell him things I felt and not worry about his thoughts. The people we confide in can be the ones who can see the light through our gloom and remind of God's love and presence. They could read us scripture, talk to us, pray with us, and simply care. I know just knowing someone cared meant the world to me.

God is there for us as much, no more than our friends and family are. God is there to lift us up on wings of eagles, to cast light into our darkness, and take away all the feelings we may have, we just need to ask and have faith. We also need to realize that when we ask, the answer may not come right away, but in time: God's time. In depression though, his time may feel too long, and unfair. But there is always a reason why God allows us to go through something. Always a good to come out of the good. A ministry that could come from health issues, depression/oppression and everything else we deal with. Cling to knowing that God uses every situation for his will; no matter how good or how bad it is.

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