May 21, 2008

Serving God

Part of being a Christian means we need to serve God. And throughout Malachi, God has stated his disappointment in people basically wanting God to serve them not the other way around. He has stated he was weary and that people have asked for proof of his love instead of the other way around: us proving our love to him. How could we say we believe in God, yet not serve him the way we should be?

Malachi chapter three, verse 13 and 14 says "you have said terrible things about me says the Lord. But you say What do you mean? How have we spoken against you? You have said 'What's the use of serving God. What can be gained by obeying his command or by trying to show the Lord Almighty that we are sorry for our sins." Too often we wonder why serve God? We want to get something come out of our service to God. We don't understand that serving our own selfish needs we are saying the same things.

We need to look at our lives and wonder how are we serving God and how can we serve him better? We are saved only through God's grace. The other night Todd mentioned trying to keep an eye on his speed while driving because he said what kind of example would he be by not obeying the speed limit laws. In a way wanting to be an example of good driving also shows he wants to be a good example of serving God. When we break laws even small ones, we sin against God. Small things mean a lot in the long run even if they don't seem like it.

The way we act to others, do we gossip, we do we glance at naughty images, do we swear from time to time and that includes taking the Lord's name in vain like: God da** it. Do we try to assume what goes on in a person's head and spread rumors about one another, do we indulge in things a Christian should refrain from?

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