May 30, 2008


Through our hardships it is hard to see light in anything or to find comfort in anything. Sometimes we just feel like there is no hope or comfort offered to us in our times of gloom. So many things that occur in our lives make us forget that there is always comfort in God; even heartache when a relationship doesn't work. When anything in life causes us pain no matter what it is: health, mental anguish, grief, heartache we aren't able to see the comfort and joy found within God. Sometimes it's as if God isn't there.

I cannot say how many times I cried at night wondering if God was there comforting me through the cancer. There were moments when it felt like he wasn't there at all, though looking back I know that wasn't true. I was in so much pain not just physical from all the shots, but emotionally. Having cancer disrupts everything in your life: mind. It takes away so much including that hope and comfort we find in Jesus. When a relationship doesn't work we are heartbroken, who wouldn't be? We don't feel like we could be comforted even when so many people around are being supportive and comforting.

The Bible tells us "The Lord will comfort Israel and gladness will be found there. Lovely songs of thanksgiving will fill the air" (Isaiah 51:3). God gives us all the comfort we need even if we don't feel it, we have his comfort there waiting for us. He's ready for us to climb into his arms and cry if need be. His arms are open wide waiting to embrace us and calm our worries, fears, and pains. "Joy and gladness will be found there." Joy and gladness will be found with God, that is one of the promises we have from God, and he doesn't back down from a promise! Why don't we just climb into his arms the way we did with momma when we were little? Why don't we run crying to God for comfort as a child would? Shouldn't we be like children? Sometimes it's hard to think that we can curl up on God's lap when he isn't tangible like mommy is.

Comfort and joy are found in the Lord. We should turn to him always even when it doesn't feel like he's there. We should still call on his name, praise his power and glory. You'd be surprised at how much comfort you find there.

May 29, 2008


Throughout life we go through many different hardships. Some of us fight cancer, heart problems, AIDS, and other health issues, others battle depression, oppression, self-guilt, and many other things. No matter who we are, we deal with some sort of hardship throughout our lives. Many hardships come in twos like health problems and depression. Depression likes to follow a lot of things around and find ways to dig it's grimmy little hands into your mind.

No matter the hardship God is there with us. He's there carrying us, we need to trust that and rely on him for that. Job 12:22 tells us He floods the darkness with light, he brings light to the deepest gloom. When we place all of our focus on God, the depressive thoughts seem less depressive, but I know how hard it is to put all focus on God when your mind is running through so many different things, some things that you know aren't true. Depression can say that asking for prayer is seeking attention, when we know in reality it's not. Prayer is a form of support and a way we all communicate with God. The Bible also says "when two or more are gathered." No matter how we feel prayer is one of the best things we can do. But as stated sometimes asking for prayer can be difficult in a depressive/oppressive state. So what do we do then?

Read our Bibles; confide in our support whether it be friends family, spouse. For me; my biggest confidant are Todd and Donya, though I admit when going through the cancer I didn't tell Donya everything; I didn't know Todd then, but I think I would tell him things I felt and not worry about his thoughts. The people we confide in can be the ones who can see the light through our gloom and remind of God's love and presence. They could read us scripture, talk to us, pray with us, and simply care. I know just knowing someone cared meant the world to me.

God is there for us as much, no more than our friends and family are. God is there to lift us up on wings of eagles, to cast light into our darkness, and take away all the feelings we may have, we just need to ask and have faith. We also need to realize that when we ask, the answer may not come right away, but in time: God's time. In depression though, his time may feel too long, and unfair. But there is always a reason why God allows us to go through something. Always a good to come out of the good. A ministry that could come from health issues, depression/oppression and everything else we deal with. Cling to knowing that God uses every situation for his will; no matter how good or how bad it is.

May 28, 2008

Love Nevers

Chapter 13 in 1 Corinthians is commonly known as the love chapter. It discusses how love is, and what it isn't. Every has heard of the "love is kind, love is patient." aspect of the chapter. It says "Love is not jealous, or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way" Then further it says "Love does not give up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance." Through 13 verse Chapter 13 talks about the things love is and isn't. But through them all, love also doesn't play the "if you love me game" and many others we tend to do.

Alot of the things described in this chapter not only describe human love, but also the love of God. God doesn't get jealous or boastful, he doesn't keep a record of our sins after we ask for forgiveness. How many couples can honestly say they don't do any of that mainly keep record of wrongs done? Perfect love doesn't do any of that, it is hopeful and supportive as Song of Solomon in the Old Testament discussed. We tend to confuse love and lust all the time. WE think we are in love, but it tends to be lust. When something happens and things get rough we often turn into the fight or flight. Love doesn't do that. Love fights.

Love also doesn't do the if you love me. God doesn't do the if you love me then. How could we say that to not only someone we claim to love, but also God? I dated someone who did the if you love bit. It hurt more than anything. His biggest was if you love me then you'd move to California. Which was something I couldn't do. At the same time having him do that makes me appreciate that God doesn't play that game and neither does Todd. With him it's more of I love you so I'll do this, and vise versa. God does that too. I love you so I forgive you of everything. I love you so I'll send my son to die for your sins. I love you so I will give you everlasting life. What do we say to God? If you love me you would take this cancer away, if you love me you would send more money..etc. We constantly say 'if you love me" to God. We should never do something like that to God or to someone we love.

We need to stop asking God "if you love me" and start saying I love you so..this will happen. How much do you love God? Enough to give your life to him? Enough to stop asking for proof? How about enough to stop doing somethings that we do?

May 27, 2008

Stop And Smell The Roses

Through our daily lives we get too busy to take time out of the day to really slow down and pay attention to the little things around us. We miss out on some many wonderful things throughout life because we are too concerned with things. Thoreau told us in WALDEN that life in nature is about simplifing things: "Simplify simplify, simplify" are his words. We spend too much time on the internet, watching television, on the phone. We don't look around and enjoy the things that God created just for our enjoyment.

Yesterday afternoon Todd and I had the chance to just sit and watch God's work work. Four baby birds were hopping around his yard learning how to fly. It was amazing. Momma, and daddy bird were flying down to show them how to do it. It was beautiful. Soon only 1 was able to make it back into their tree. The other 3 couldn't get it right. But watching them chirp, flap their wings and climb, made me think. Things like this happen every day, but how often do we notice it? And if we do, do we really take the time and watch and appreciate it? We sat there for over an hour just watching the birds.

The birds hopping around were like new and old Christians. We just hop around learning all the time. God "flies" down to teach us things and show us the way. Sometimes we are too busy with our daily lives that we don't take the time to listen and see how to progress. God's wonder is all around us, teaching us things, but we never stop and smell the roses. We need to take the time and watch baby birds learning to fly, smell the roses, watch the sun set, and learn and listen to the things God is telling us. We need to appreciate and enjoy the things God has created like the birds, nature, and so much more.

May 22, 2008

Our Giants

We all know the story of David and Goliath. Young shepherd boy defeats giant. The Israelites were being terrorized by Goliath, everyone feared him, but David faced him with a sling, a rock or two and more power than anyone: faith in God. No one wanted to face this giant, but David had such faith in God that he didn't let Goliath's size to intimidate him. He let the power of God overcome the fear. David went face to face against an enemy that the strongest of soldiers cowered away from. That is how we need to face cancer. We need to have the courage to face an enemy that strikes fear into most people's hearts. Throughout all things life deals us, cancer has now become our giant, our Goliath. We need to decide how we want to face him. We can back down and cower like many of the Israelite army, or we can be like David and face it head on with everything we have, even if it seems little. Our greatest weapon is our faith in God. Many people won't think it is all that powerful, but we know different don't we? Faith is the strongest thing we have to fight against everything that is thrown at us.

Sometimes we let the hardships in life overpower our faith and take away the hope we have. Things in life tend to pile up and become more than we can bear, but doesn't God tells us he wouldn't give us more than we can bear? So how can it all be unbearable? I know a woman who recently lost her husband to a car accident. She suffers from depression and other things. Right now it all seems unbearable and hard for her to deal with the lose of someone who she saw as her rock and stronghold...I got to thinking when we need a rock, a stronghold, it should be God. It's ok to have our spouses as a stronghold and supportive that's the point of spending your life with someone to be there for them, but what do you do when you lose that support? What you should do all the time...lean on God. Call out to him.

1 Samuel 17:45 says I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts. We need to come to God in his name. We need to face our giants whatever they may be. God is there to help us fight off our giants whether they be cancer, depression, heart issues, lose, illness of any sort, feelings of hopelessness. Whatever your giant is we need to face it head on as David did. We need to cry out the name of Jesus and let the giant know that we're fighting with our faith and our God.

May 21, 2008

Serving God

Part of being a Christian means we need to serve God. And throughout Malachi, God has stated his disappointment in people basically wanting God to serve them not the other way around. He has stated he was weary and that people have asked for proof of his love instead of the other way around: us proving our love to him. How could we say we believe in God, yet not serve him the way we should be?

Malachi chapter three, verse 13 and 14 says "you have said terrible things about me says the Lord. But you say What do you mean? How have we spoken against you? You have said 'What's the use of serving God. What can be gained by obeying his command or by trying to show the Lord Almighty that we are sorry for our sins." Too often we wonder why serve God? We want to get something come out of our service to God. We don't understand that serving our own selfish needs we are saying the same things.

We need to look at our lives and wonder how are we serving God and how can we serve him better? We are saved only through God's grace. The other night Todd mentioned trying to keep an eye on his speed while driving because he said what kind of example would he be by not obeying the speed limit laws. In a way wanting to be an example of good driving also shows he wants to be a good example of serving God. When we break laws even small ones, we sin against God. Small things mean a lot in the long run even if they don't seem like it.

The way we act to others, do we gossip, we do we glance at naughty images, do we swear from time to time and that includes taking the Lord's name in vain like: God da** it. Do we try to assume what goes on in a person's head and spread rumors about one another, do we indulge in things a Christian should refrain from?

May 20, 2008

A Waiting Lord

Malachi has a lot of interesting verse that say a lot about the God we serve. God reveals a lot about himself through his conversation with Malachi. In the last post we talked of how we tend to try to make God change to meet our needs. In chapter three verse six says I am the Lord, and I do not change. We cannot try to make God change, the efforts will be futile. We cannot ever change God, he is God. We should be the ones that need to change. Lives could be better if we do.

In verse seven God says
Now return to me, and I will return to you. God is always there, waiting for us to return to him. He never goes anywhere. His patience is endless. We fall short of his glory, and do things that make him weary and I believe sad, yet he still waits for us to return to him. God wants us to return to him, he made covenants with us through people like Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. God will never once leave us, so why is it we leave him?

The response to God saying return to me is
How can we return when we have never gone away we tend to think we have not sinned, that there is no reason for us to return to God. How could we ask such a question? We always stray away from Christ, we need to admit that we stray and return to him.

May 19, 2008

Wearied Lord

That is an interesting title I know. "Wearied Lord." does the Lord get weary? Why would he get weary if he does? Malachi tells us why the Lord gets wearied. We weary him with our actions and our words. He does get tired of how people can twist the Word to fit their style and their own selfish desires.

Malachi 2:17 is where we are told
You have wearied him by asking "Where is the God of Justice?" We always ask where is God's justice when something bad happens in our lives we like to turn the truth around to meet our needs instead of turning ourselves around to meets God's needs. We often ask where is God when bad things occur. How many people asked where
was God when the tragedy of September 11th happened? We don't see that God's justice is everywhere within the bad things. We don't put all our faith in him.

Earlier in the chapter in verse 10 in Malachi God says Are we not all children of the same Father? Are we not all created by the same God? We neglect the fact that we are God's children. That we serve GOD not the other way around. God does not serve us, yet we always try to make it
that way. When we pray, we ask for things that we want. When someone needs our help we tend to think about what WE can get out of it instead of thinking we can show the glory of God through love for others. When we do things like this we make God weary of how we continue to act this way and treat people this way.

We need to stop trying to make God serve us and serve God. We need to think about how we can glorify GOd through our actions and not try to twist the
Word of God around to fit our needs and desires. We need to change to fit God's needs.

May 16, 2008

Too Hard??

The book of Malachi is full of God speaking to Malachi the prophet. Much of which deals with the love of God and the actions of his people. We looked at chapter 1 verse 2 where we saw that God loves us deeply yet we still wonder. Farther in the chapter God talks more of respect and honor.

"A son honors his father, and a servant respects his master. I am your father and your master, but where are the honor and respect i deserve. You have despised my name!" Verse 6 God's saying we fail him because we don't honor and respect him as we should. We don't follow the Bible, we judge others, we lie (little fibs count), some cheat. We fall very short of honoring God the way we should. But he still loves us and still sent Jesus to die for us. Who needs proof of how deep his love is? It's right there.

The chapter goes on to say in verse 13 "You say 'It's too hard to serve the Lord," We always think it is too hard to serve God because it seems like a bunch of rules, or hardships and "no fun" as some people would say. No one said being a Christian will be the easiest thing to do. In fact it is hard, yet we still serve God and need to honor him in all we do. We need to give praise through the good times and the bad, we need to repent (and be sincere in it), we need to fight temptations, pray, go to church and fellowship, read our Bibles. It is hard, but it's worth it.

Some people say it's hard keeping God the center of your life, with everything else going on. In fact keeping God the center is one of the easiest things to do. Before eating say a prayer of thanksgiving. Instead of watching an hour of reruns get into the word and read what he has said, pray. Talk about him don't just ask Jesus in and then leave him in the corner. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is living in you.

May 15, 2008

God's Love

We are going to venture into the book of Malachi. It is the last book of the Old Testament. Malachi like many of the other books are conversations he had with God. There are parts of God speaking and then Malachi speaking. The book opens very powerfully and sets the stage for what it will fully be about.

"I have loved you deeply," says the Lord. But you retort, "Really? How have you loved me?"
That is what verse two says. How often do we ask God how have you loved me? To often we want God to prove his love to us instead of us proving our love
to him. God says he loves us and sends his son to die for us and yet we still ask for proof! We still want to know how he has loved us. We still want proof of his love. When something bad goes on in our lives we assume God doesn't love us or worse doesn't exist. God constantly says I love you deeply. Yet we want proof.

We should be the ones working to prove our love to God. The way we treat others, the way we treat ourselves, how we act and react. Just many things go into showing how we love the Lord our God. How can we honestly say we love God, yet won't help someone in need? Or say "we can't bring drug addicts into our church." Isn't the point to show God's love through our actions? How can we say we love God yet judge those around us, yet sometimes we have the gull to ask God how do you love me.

I understand asking WHY. I admit I am unworthy of his love, but he still loves me. Instead of trying to find proof of God's love, why not try proving YOUR love.

May 14, 2008

Soldiers Of Christ

Sometimes Christians refer to themselves as Soldiers of Christ. In reality we are because we are fighting the good battle against evil. The Bible tells us to put on the armor and take up our shields and swords against evil attacks. We need to realize we are soldiers and need to fight the battle to win.

2 Timothy 2:4 tells us about being a soldier of God.
And as Christ's soldier do not let yourself become tied up in the affairs of life, for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army. We are all a part of the same army. We tend to get caught up with various things going on in our lives that we get distracted from the true cause. We get distracted from our walk with God. When we don't make God the focus point, don't you think it dis-satisfies God?

He has enlisted us into his army, and we accepted when we accepted him into our lives. We need to work and fight like it. Like our lives depend on it, because in a sense it does. It's ok to get worried about a few things, but we need to trust God for the various affairs of our lives. We need to train hard and follow the guidelines of the Bible as a soldier would. No doubt we will see suffering, but we will also see many miracles.

It's easy to imagine battles today because of the war in Iraq, but it can sometimes put a damper on our thoughts. We do need to pray for our men and women in the military. I recently found out a friend I care dearly about is going back for a month. While it's only a month still we pray for his safe return. Not only is he protecting our country, but part of his purpose in life, his purpose according to God's plan is to serve our country and I couldn't be prouder of him. He's one of my heroes. But I degress...

We are all a part of the same army. Fighting the good fight, but we need to be prepared.

May 13, 2008


Death is a funny thing. Even though it is inevitable, we still never expect it. Even when someone is sick, we aren't prepared to lose them. Death comes in different ways like an illness, suicide, murder or just simply naturally. No matter the circumstances, it is always hard to handle the death of someone we care about even someone we know through passing.

Psalm 23 is notorious for being read at funerals. Verse 4 tells us: Even when I walk through the valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. We always seem to be afraid of death and the unknown aspects of death. We want to know what happens to someone when they die, though that is another thing that remains a mystery to us. But we need to remember is that God is there protecting and comforting not only us but the ones we have lost.

Even if we meet a person for only a moment in time, you never know the impact you may have had. Everything is life including death is a part of God's plan. God is there protecting us and comforting us throughout life, he continues to do so through death whether it be our own or the death of a loved one. He is our protector and comforter, He'll be there when we need him the most.

May 12, 2008

Trust In God

The book of Habukkuk talks a lot about trusting God. It's Habukkuk praying to God and then God's responses to him. It's not a very long book, but it is a very meaningful book, and we Christians can learn a lot from Habukkuk and how he response and talks to God. He doesn't talk as if it were a formal conversation, but as if he was chatting with a friend. That's how we should pray to God, but this post isn't about prayer. It's about trust. We have looked at Habukkuk 2:3, now lets look at the next verse: Look at the proud! They trust in themselves and their live are crooked: but the righteous will live by their faith. When we try to trust in ourselves and our own devises we fall short of course. Our lives become crooked and soon fall. But the righteous who trust in God will find the strength to endure. Christians must trust God for all things, not just the bad things in life. We need to trust that God;s plan will happen and he will take care of us and provide as he said he would. Farther in the chapter God says to Habukkuk: How foolish to trust in something made my your own hands! (verse 18). Why should we trust in ourselves, new age books. We try to trust things that lead us no where and only cause us to fall. The only thing we need to trust is God himself! We need to depend on God for all things in life.

May 9, 2008


I have been look a lot into rejoicing in the Lord when depression seems to sink in. It's when depression rears it's ugly head that it seems so incredibly hard to rejoice in the Lord. We feel so down, and couldn't imagine God hearing our praise and prayers when we think so little of ourselves. When we read scripture with depression, it seems like the words aren't hitting the way they normally do, and worship/praise songs don't seem to have the same effect they do otherwise. Throughout the Bible there are scripture and stories about people who struggle with depression in one way or another: Job, and David are two of the most thought of. Many of David's Psalms where written in a fit of depression calling out to God. Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine, even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty.....yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my Salvation. The Sovereign Lord is my strength! Habukkuk also knew the pains one can feel during times of trials. Chapter 3 verse 17 through 19 show us that Habukkuk wanted to be joyful in the Lord. Don't we all want to be joyful? We just find it hard sometimes. Habukkuk didn't want to let the elements around him effect his relationship with God, and we shouldn't either.

Granted our emotions effect how we think and feel at times, but we need to push through the depressive thoughts. Though the scriptures may not seem helpful at the time, deep inside they are. They help rid your mind of depression as you think about what you've read. Habukkuk and many others throughout the Bible have said that the Lord is their strength. God is our strength and refuge. We need to lean on him and rely on his strength to life us up on wings and Isaiah said.

Rely on God the Father and make him your strong tower in times of need. Rejoice in the Lord always, rely on him for the strength you need. Rejoice when things seem, lost because with God we have everything!

May 8, 2008

God's Plan

God has a plan for all of us, that is something we can generally agree on. The fact is we never know what that plan is. Sometimes apart of the plan includes some heartache and trials like cancer, heart issues, lose of family, rape, depression and so many other tribulations one can go through, throughout life. We never know what is going to happen and when, but we do know that there is a reason for everything. Many times we want what we want, when we want it. We don't want to wait for things to happen.

Habakkuk 2:3 says
But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently for it will surely take place. God has a plan for everyone, he knows what will happen and when it will happen. But it has to be in the right time, God's time not our own. Certain things that we want to happen will only happen when the time is right, when God is ready for it to happen. We cannot try and make things happen on our own. What is the point in trying to anticipate God's will/plan?

God knows when things will happen, and he know what will happen. God has a divine vision and we shouldn't go around trying to make it happen when the timing is all wrong. We should pray and trust that God's will, will be done.

May 7, 2008

Mount Up On Wings

There will be times throughout our lives when we feel so weak and unable to do things. Life throws us things that at times we feel like we don't have the strength to endure what comes out way. Life is hard on a daily basis, and it seems to be harder when you don't rely on your faith in God and cling to your hope in God. To often the burdens of life's trial cause us to lose our hope in the power that is in God.

Isaiah 40:31 tells us
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings of eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. This verse tells us a lot about the love of God. He lifts us up during our times of heartache and trials. When we wait upon him and have faith and hope that the Lord will renew our strength, he will. He will life us up higher than we could imagine. We need to look towards God as our refuge and strength and He will lift us up as eagles soar. He will give us strength to go on through the trials without feeling weak and weary.

When we rely on God and have hope that things will get better soon and see the good within the bad we will have strength like no other, we will be able to see clearly so to speak. Hope in the Lord restores our energy and strength. When trials head our way, the best plan is always the same call upon the Lord. He will give you the strength you need.

May 6, 2008

Holding On To Hope

I was unsure of what to write about today. There are so many thoughts and ideas running around my head today on various different scripture and what they could mean. I decided I will keep on the theme of hope and trusting God. For more than one reason, one of which is that it's a chapter in my book. Hope is a very interesting emotion or thought depending on what you consider it. Hope is something that we lose easily if things aren't going the way we want them too. Hope is important and in the words of Rick Warren, we need hope to cope.

There are so many different verse within the Bible that talks
about hope and finding and holding on to the hope we find within Jesus. One of the most common and most know verses comes from Matthew chapter 19 verse 26. It says But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, with men this is impossible, and with God all things are possible. With God all things are possible; what hope that gives us! We need to rely on God for all things in life, not just the bad things. We need to cling to the hope of what the future may hold for us and see that nothing but good could come from bad situations.

When we rely on God anything is possible, miracles can happen, people are healed, people get jobs they need, life seems to fall into place when we trust in God. Sometimes...we trust and rely on God...He brings us love. We need to hold on the hope of something better. The hope that God has a divine plan for us, and we all know that He does. Its when we lose hope that everything seems to go awry.

May 5, 2008

Trusting God

One thing that some atheists have asked me was how can I trust God when I cannot see, touch, or audibally hear Him. Trusting in God is a part of having faith in God. Though granted it is hard to trust in God, constantly with all things one needs to go through in life. Part of trusting God is trusting in His timing and His plan, not our timing and plans. We need to rely on God and not on our own devises, we cannot possibly be able to do the things that God can. We cannot possibly think we can solve our problems the only way God can.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil. That verse comes from Proverbs 3 5-7. When we trust in God it should be with all of our hearts, not half-heartedly like we would with some people in our lives. God is not just anyone. We shouldn't lean on the things we know or think
we know because we are not all knowing as our Lord is. God knows everything that will come to pass and we need to pray and trust that he will guide us as the verse tells us. When we put all trust in Him our paths will lead to Him and eternal life with Him.

We need to act as though we know nothing, because in the grander scheme of things we don't. We don't know how things will happen or when they will happen. And when they do h
appen we need to trust that God knows where our path is headed whether it be good or bad. Trusting in God shows great faith in God as we walk broken roads. We don't know where the path will lead us, so we need to trust in God: Walk by faith not by sight as the verse, and song go. Have faith, trust in the Lord our God. He will direct our path. Trust in God and not your own understandings.

May 2, 2008

Unfailing Love

There are many people who don't believe in God's Unfailing love. Sometimes it seems unreasonable for God to love us unconditionally. Even Job the man whom was blameless at one point felt that God was unfair: You formed me with your hands; you made me, and yet you completely destroy me {Job 10: 8} As you can see Job felt as if God was destroying him because of the things that he had to endure and overcome. God did form us with his hands, but he doesn't destroy us as Job feels and as it would feel at times of depression and oppression.

Later in the chapter Job also says You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love. My life was perserved for your care {12}. While at the time Job was in deep despair and felt as if no matter what he did he would be persecuted. He also admits that God has shown him unfailing love. Job didn't know why he had to endure the troubles he did, and granted he felt bitter and as if God was unfair, but at the same time he still acknowledged God's unfailing love. How could he not feel depressed and bitter with his friends telling him he deserved the treatment he was getting. That he deserved to lose his children, land and cattle, and be stricken with disease. How else would anyone react to a friend telling them that?

Even if we are dealing with some sort of oppression like depression, cancer, health issues, relationship troubles and a list of many other things we need to realize that there is a reason for it and that God isn't doing it to punish us or anything, but that he has a greater plan for everything. His unfailing never well fails. I know there are times when we feel like it may be failing and that God is unfair, but if he was unfair and his love failing, then he wouldn't be the perfect God that he is.