Jan 20, 2012


I like taking some time and thinking about the things in life that I am thankful to have.  No matter how big or how small.  Life is full of things to be thankful for.  I know I have been focusing on people I am thankful for, so I think I will look at things.

Klove: technically this one is people, and some people any think its funny to be thankful for a radio station.  But I have to say listening to the morning show on my way to wotk helps prepare me for work.  It gets my mind where it needs to be in order to help my clients.  They are encouraging.

My cats: all three of my cats just make me laugh and bring me so much joy.  They seem to be so innocent and just being with us makes them happy, even Orion.  Its a warm feeling to have three little bodies laying on our feet as we sleep.

A warm bath:  there is nothing more relaxing than laying in a warm bath, with and without bubbles, and a good book.  It helps me relax after a long stressful day at work.  I can almost feel the stress wash off when im in the water.  A good book just takes me away for a few minutes and I am able to transition from work to home.

The snow:  I know I complain about the cold, but I am thankful for snow.  Its beautiful when it falls to the ground.  It reminds me of my grandpap and how much he liked the snow.  Whenever it falls I think about him and smile.

There are many things to be thankful for and I know that sometimes I take things for granted.  I want to change that.

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