Jan 24, 2012

Stepping out of comfort zone

So as you probably know I have been working on trying to make myself step out of my comfort zone and do something that I normally wouldn't do. Something that would make me so nervous and self conscience. Lately I have been doing a good job at it. I have talked to people first, initiated conversation with strangers at anime conventions and ended up making a few friends which I am very happy about. In the past year I have made 3-4 new friends just because of anime conventions because I took that leap and talked to someone I don't know. So I am trying to keep up with it, I am trying to do more things that send me out of my comfort zone.

One of those things includes somewhat being the center of attention. My friend has a dance band, and during the first set of songs not many people dance and/or participate. So I am going to be the one to try and get people to dance by either trying to talk them into it or dancing myself. Now normally I wouldn't dance without at least one friend, but as the "audience participation manager" I think I should suck it up and dance even when other people aren't. The theory is that if people see even one person dancing then others will come and dance. So I am going to give this a try.

Now I am terrified to do something like this, but I am going to try. I know the one guitar player asked me at the last concert if I would be dancing so at least I know the band likes when I dance and bring other people to the floor, and I also do the Thriller dance with Crissy and of course "shot shot shot' where we take shots. I want to be able to get past my anxiety and fears dealing with social situations. This is one of the ways I can do that. One of the ways I can be the person I want to be without fear of social situations and anxiety. This is a way I can be out of my comfort zone. Wish me luck

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