Jan 18, 2012

1 Year

It offically has been one year since Tom and I moved in together.  I never would have thought I woukd have moved in  with someone after five months, but I did and I have never been happier.  I have learn a lot the past year.  Things about Tom and things about myself.

I learned the importance of letting things go and picking battles.  Ive learned how important the little things are and what it means to appreciate someone.  Granted the are times when we get annoyed with each other, thats life.  I dont know anyone who doesnt get annoyed with someone they live with.  But those times dont last long nor do they effect the love we share.

After a year of living together and year and five months of dating, he still makes my heart flutter and I cant wait to come home to him each day.  Weve formed a partnership and things are no longer about me, its about us.

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