Dec 30, 2011

Thank You 2011

As the New Year closes this weekend, I think about all the things about this year that I am very much thankful for. There are things that I have accomplished and achieved this year that I am beyond thankful for in many different ways. I look back on the year and I see there are plenty of things that I should be thankful for, thing that I may not have appreciated or even realized until now.

I am thankful that I have been healthy all year. Sure I had a few colds here and there but I didn't have anything major or anything that required immediate medical attention. I am healthy and happy.

I am thankful I got to experience all kinds of new things. I made a goal to do things that would take me out of my comfort zone and I did plenty of things that took me far from my comfort zone. I lived in an area I knew nothing about and didn't know anyone. I started singing solos at church, and I have begun talking to people I didn't know. I initiated conversations not the other person. For those who really know me know that is a huge accomplishment for me.

I am thankful Tom and I have spent a year together, well over a year, but all of 2011 we were together and happy. Not to mention we lived together for a year without ripping each other's heads off hehe. But kidding aside we have lived together for a year and still love each other more than anything and still cannot imagine being with anyone else.

I am thankful for all the friends I have. They are all amazing and teach me so many things and inspire me; like Terry who I have spoken about in a previous post. My friends support me and inspire me to do more than what I normally do. They inspire me to push myself beyond my limits and be a better person.

There are so many things throughout this year that I am thankful for and am happy has happened this year. I am looking forward to the new year and things that will happen, I already am excited for a friend to visit from Italy. This will be a good year.

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