Dec 29, 2011

New Year"s Resolutions

Every year people around the nation, and possibly the world prepare for the coming new year and even begin to make resolutions for the new year. People set themselves goals like lose weight or read one book a month or even get out of debt. I admit I have made the goal of getting out of debt and really it never worked out the way I thought it would, I mean when does it ever work out the right way. Too often we try for the first few month then by March we give up because we expect everything to happen right away; almost as if as soon as we make the resolutions we want them to come.

We always make these resolutions and work to try an improve ourselves or improve something in our lives, but how often do we follow through with them. How often do we make those changes and improve ourselves. I think there is an innate feeling that we NEED to make a resolution and say we are going to change something in the next year or do something in the next year to make it better than the last. How is that really working out for us? It's not.

So instead of making a resolution for next year and saying this will happen next year I am setting small steps for myself like working out for 10 minutes a day whether in the morning or when I get home after work. Or that I want to write more, take time to write more and even read more, which I have started recently. The small steps are more achievable than the big resolutions. Then instead of saying I am going to do it on my own, I'm going to have my friends keep my accountable, maybe find someone I could workout with sometime or something. I know if I had someone to talk to or music to listen to I am more apt to workout more. So thats a start. We'll see how things turn out by March.

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