Dec 18, 2011


In the beginning of the year or so a dear dear friend of mine, possibly my best guy friend made a promise to me about himself. He wanted to make changes, be a better person,but remain the same lovable guy he is. While I was driving home today I was thinking about the past year and this particular friend and I must say I am very proud of him.

I have seen people make themselves promises and goals and never stick to them, or try for a month or two, don't get what they want then give up. But not T. he has stuck through it, through the hard moments and times when he had to struggle and is becoming such a remarkable person (not that he wasn't one already). I think too often as humans we want things to change right away, we don't want to take the time it needs to make big changes in our lives. And when we do, we rarely hear praise for being able to stick to our desires and really make a difference in our lives.

I want to say how proud I am of my friend that he hasn't succumbed to the selfish thought of wanting everything NOW. He is really thinking of being a better person for the people in his life, mainly two important people, as well as himself. I have no only seen a difference in his actions and conversations we have, but there is a change in his spirit, a change in how he presents himself even if all i see is online though facebook and our hours of chatting. It is as if my friend has become a new person. I know there is still more to come and things he wants to change about himself but I have to say BRAVO on the progress he's made and how amazing he is, and will always be. He is an inspiration to me to actually get myself motivated to make the changes in my life I would like to change.

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