Dec 26, 2011

Growing Up

I have always loved Christmas because it gave me a chance to be with my family and this year, it hit me that my family is slowly growing It includes not just my family, but Tom's as well. We spent Christmas Eve and some of Christmas Day with my parents and my brother and then the rest of the day with Tom's family. It was nice going to his sister's with presents in our arms for the kids and a nice Christmas flower for Dana. Not to mention the time we spent with wonderful friends like Josh and Kate. Lately a lot of little things have been hitting me as "oh my gosh I am an adult."

I didn't really think this post was going to take this turn when I began it, but this has been something that has really been on my mind a lot. Things are falling into place and I am really an adult now. Not that I wasn't before, but I am being more of an adult now. When we go to Josh and Kates its nice, the guys band off to play a game or randomly talk about things and Kate and I will sit and talk about cooking, decorating or her wedding. I like when we sit down and do that. For Christmas, the boys put up the tree then Kate and I decorated it and it was like this wonderful little moment that I will most likely remember and will always treasure. Things are definitely more important than others now. When did I become an adult? When was that moment? I never seen it happen haha. One minute I was content at playing in the dirt or coloring (I still love that) and the next I'm decorating my house, looking for new recipes and talking to my friend about decoration and being a "domestic goddess".

I realize I am almost 30 and being an adult is the natural thing to happen, but is it really supposed to sneak up on you like that? Like really when did I become an adult and who do I go to to complain about some things that go with being an adult like bills!

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