Dec 30, 2011

Thank You 2011

As the New Year closes this weekend, I think about all the things about this year that I am very much thankful for. There are things that I have accomplished and achieved this year that I am beyond thankful for in many different ways. I look back on the year and I see there are plenty of things that I should be thankful for, thing that I may not have appreciated or even realized until now.

I am thankful that I have been healthy all year. Sure I had a few colds here and there but I didn't have anything major or anything that required immediate medical attention. I am healthy and happy.

I am thankful I got to experience all kinds of new things. I made a goal to do things that would take me out of my comfort zone and I did plenty of things that took me far from my comfort zone. I lived in an area I knew nothing about and didn't know anyone. I started singing solos at church, and I have begun talking to people I didn't know. I initiated conversations not the other person. For those who really know me know that is a huge accomplishment for me.

I am thankful Tom and I have spent a year together, well over a year, but all of 2011 we were together and happy. Not to mention we lived together for a year without ripping each other's heads off hehe. But kidding aside we have lived together for a year and still love each other more than anything and still cannot imagine being with anyone else.

I am thankful for all the friends I have. They are all amazing and teach me so many things and inspire me; like Terry who I have spoken about in a previous post. My friends support me and inspire me to do more than what I normally do. They inspire me to push myself beyond my limits and be a better person.

There are so many things throughout this year that I am thankful for and am happy has happened this year. I am looking forward to the new year and things that will happen, I already am excited for a friend to visit from Italy. This will be a good year.

Dec 29, 2011

New Year"s Resolutions

Every year people around the nation, and possibly the world prepare for the coming new year and even begin to make resolutions for the new year. People set themselves goals like lose weight or read one book a month or even get out of debt. I admit I have made the goal of getting out of debt and really it never worked out the way I thought it would, I mean when does it ever work out the right way. Too often we try for the first few month then by March we give up because we expect everything to happen right away; almost as if as soon as we make the resolutions we want them to come.

We always make these resolutions and work to try an improve ourselves or improve something in our lives, but how often do we follow through with them. How often do we make those changes and improve ourselves. I think there is an innate feeling that we NEED to make a resolution and say we are going to change something in the next year or do something in the next year to make it better than the last. How is that really working out for us? It's not.

So instead of making a resolution for next year and saying this will happen next year I am setting small steps for myself like working out for 10 minutes a day whether in the morning or when I get home after work. Or that I want to write more, take time to write more and even read more, which I have started recently. The small steps are more achievable than the big resolutions. Then instead of saying I am going to do it on my own, I'm going to have my friends keep my accountable, maybe find someone I could workout with sometime or something. I know if I had someone to talk to or music to listen to I am more apt to workout more. So thats a start. We'll see how things turn out by March.

Dec 28, 2011

New Years

It is slowly coming upon us, New Years. This year seems to have gone by so quickly that I wonder where did it go? So many different new things happened. I tried different foods, and did things I never thought I would do such as dive into the ocean. There are a lot of things that happened this year that I am very proud that I accomplished and was able to do such as talk to random people at anime conventions that I didn't know. As the new year comes I look back and see all the great things that have happened along with the not so great ones.

There were times when I needed to struggle to appreciate what I have. I have lost some family members and even friends to various different things. Tom and I moved in together, we celebrated 1 year of being together and adopted two kitties into our lives. I have learned to break from my comfort zone and talk to people I don't know and initiate the conversation. I played in the ocean; including diving into the waves without being afraid. I flew in a plane around the island, I learned to make jewelry, worked at a job I hated and realized what I wanted to do with my life.

I have learned who my true of true friends are and who aren't truly my friends. This year was full of many surprises good and bad and I honestly have to say I would not change my year for anything. I look forward to what this coming year has to offer and what I can expect from it. I hope it is full of happiness and overcoming hardships as this year has been. Happy Early New Year my friends.

Dec 26, 2011

Growing Up

I have always loved Christmas because it gave me a chance to be with my family and this year, it hit me that my family is slowly growing It includes not just my family, but Tom's as well. We spent Christmas Eve and some of Christmas Day with my parents and my brother and then the rest of the day with Tom's family. It was nice going to his sister's with presents in our arms for the kids and a nice Christmas flower for Dana. Not to mention the time we spent with wonderful friends like Josh and Kate. Lately a lot of little things have been hitting me as "oh my gosh I am an adult."

I didn't really think this post was going to take this turn when I began it, but this has been something that has really been on my mind a lot. Things are falling into place and I am really an adult now. Not that I wasn't before, but I am being more of an adult now. When we go to Josh and Kates its nice, the guys band off to play a game or randomly talk about things and Kate and I will sit and talk about cooking, decorating or her wedding. I like when we sit down and do that. For Christmas, the boys put up the tree then Kate and I decorated it and it was like this wonderful little moment that I will most likely remember and will always treasure. Things are definitely more important than others now. When did I become an adult? When was that moment? I never seen it happen haha. One minute I was content at playing in the dirt or coloring (I still love that) and the next I'm decorating my house, looking for new recipes and talking to my friend about decoration and being a "domestic goddess".

I realize I am almost 30 and being an adult is the natural thing to happen, but is it really supposed to sneak up on you like that? Like really when did I become an adult and who do I go to to complain about some things that go with being an adult like bills!

Dec 22, 2011

What Can You Live Without

In training today we were given and exercise to do. We got a list of words, about 16, like respect, honesty, trust, forgiveness, honor, patience and others.  We were then asked out of those 16 words which 5 could we live without.  We spent only five minutes to think about the words and what we can live without.  It was hard to decide what we could live without.

There are things we want to have and dont want to live without.  The ones we all picked were ones that generally isnt found in society like fairness, life isnt fair no one will get things equally, so I can live without it.  Do I want it, sure.  We all want fairness, but will we get it, probably not.  I think it was so hatd because we dont want to accept that we can live with something like fairness or justice.

There is a sense of wanting things in life.  We want people to be kind, respectful, just, patience and whatever else.  But in reality is everyone everything we want them to be?  Of course not.  But we still expect it, and honestly find it hard  to believe that its possoble it doesnt exist.  What is something you find hard to accept that you can live without?

Dec 20, 2011

Trusting God More

I mentioned a few posts ago that I was working my way through the Purpose Driven Life and I admit I am not reading it every day like I should be doing. If I was I should be done with it by now. But that isn't the point. In Chapter 9 the question to consider is "Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust him most?" After I read that question it got me thinking about my life and what aspects of it do I need to trust God with more?

When I try to think of those areas I tend to think I need to trust God more in all aspects of my life.  I need to give up control of more things.  Too often I still want to hang onto some control over all aspects of my life.  I want to try to do things my own way, how I want them to be done instead of how God could want it done.  I need to have more faith and then maybe I won't want to give up quicker.

I need give more to God than just one thing. Even small things like my finances, or something as simple as falling asleep.  I just simply need to trust Him more.

Dec 19, 2011

Christmas Thanks

Throughout the year we give thanks during different holidays such as Thanksgiving or Veterans Day. There are times when we just need to stop and give thanks for various things, whether they are big or small. I think a lot of the time people think they need to give thanks for things that big in their lives or the big things people do for them about I think it is the small things that we need to give thanks for the most. This Christmas season I have really been thinking about the things that I am thankful for in my life.

I am thankful to be sitting here today typing this blog. As I was wrapping gifts this morning for those I love I tried to image how life would be if things were different. Would things be the same if I wasn't diagnosed with cancer? Either way, I am thankful for it. I am thankful for the viewpoint and compassion it has given me.

I am thankful for my family. God has granted me with a wonderful family and that includes those I have adopted into my family such as Lau and Melissa new sisters and of course my church family. Every person in my life means more to me than they know and Im starting to wonder if I should begin to remind them how wonderful each and everyone of them are to me.

I am thankful for my three kitties. Yes my kitties, the give me comfort sometimes and make me laugh. Sometimes I sit and wonder what they are thinking when the do certain things. They are a good addition to our home and are so comforting when they allow you to hold them.

There are so many things in life that I am thankful for and honestly there just isn't time in the world to begin to describe everything that I am thankful for in my life. So this season, what are you thankful for, big or small?

Dec 18, 2011


In the beginning of the year or so a dear dear friend of mine, possibly my best guy friend made a promise to me about himself. He wanted to make changes, be a better person,but remain the same lovable guy he is. While I was driving home today I was thinking about the past year and this particular friend and I must say I am very proud of him.

I have seen people make themselves promises and goals and never stick to them, or try for a month or two, don't get what they want then give up. But not T. he has stuck through it, through the hard moments and times when he had to struggle and is becoming such a remarkable person (not that he wasn't one already). I think too often as humans we want things to change right away, we don't want to take the time it needs to make big changes in our lives. And when we do, we rarely hear praise for being able to stick to our desires and really make a difference in our lives.

I want to say how proud I am of my friend that he hasn't succumbed to the selfish thought of wanting everything NOW. He is really thinking of being a better person for the people in his life, mainly two important people, as well as himself. I have no only seen a difference in his actions and conversations we have, but there is a change in his spirit, a change in how he presents himself even if all i see is online though facebook and our hours of chatting. It is as if my friend has become a new person. I know there is still more to come and things he wants to change about himself but I have to say BRAVO on the progress he's made and how amazing he is, and will always be. He is an inspiration to me to actually get myself motivated to make the changes in my life I would like to change.

Dec 12, 2011

30 before 30

A friend of mine and decided to start a list of things we wanted to do before we are 30; 30 things before we are 30. So far we haven't done anything on either of our lists, heck we don't even have full lists yet. But granted there are things we want to do before we are 30 and decide we will do some of these things together.

1. Sing Karaoke
2. Yoga/pilates classes
3. Take a night class
4. get a pedicure
5. Go on the Gateway Clipper
6. Write More
7. Go Salsa dancing
8. Learn to draw
9. Ride a Duckie Tour
10. Finish a video game without help

My List isn't complete and honestly I don't think it ever will be fully complete. There is always going to be something I want to do before I turn 3o and then after I turn 30, there is will be things that I wish I did but then put them on another list of some sort I think as human beings there will always be things that we want to do with life and things we want to accomplish before our time on this earth is complete. Either way,it is something fun to do and possibly bond over. Wish me luck!