Jun 29, 2011

Saying Thank You

Today I heard something somewhat rare.  Something I don’t hear too often, from young children including teens.  A mother and daughter came into the Glass Bead and made a bracelet.  When they were finished and mom paid, the daughter hugged mom and said “thanks mom.”  Too often you don’t hear children saying thank you or even opening hugging their mom.  I think thats important sometimes.  I told the mom and daughter it was nice to hear a child thanking their parent for something, a special treat.

I see teens come in with their parents everyday and very few thank mom or dad for spending the 15-20 dollars for them to make some sort of jewelry.  It is refreshing to know some parents teach their children manners.  I also heard a young boy call the landlady “Ms. L….” I couldn’t tell you how long it’s been since I heard a young child call their elder Ms. or Mr. outside of a school setting.  It was so respectful and I could tell she liked the respect she got and so rightfully deserved.  I was raised to call my elders Ms. or Mr. unless they told me otherwise.  Or goodness if I address my pastor without saying “pastor” first.  I still cannot call Pastor Paul, simply Paul.  It doesn’t seem right to me.

Even when waiting on people, very rarely do any of them say thank you unless I thank them for coming into either the bead shop or the ice cream shop.  Then its like they feel obligated to say thank  you.  Is there an epidemic of people not saying thank you?  Is it too hard for people to be polite and show manners anymore or have we gotten to the point where we take everything for granted and don’t even appreciate the service we have or the things that are presented to  us?

1 comment:

Terry said...

I am so proud of my kids. They say thank you for almost everything. When supper is served they say thanks to whoever cooked it.

It is rare among children and I am glad my kids have learned to vocalize their appreciation regularly.