Jun 21, 2011


So in leu of things lately I have been thinking a lot on drama.  Not like the movie and television drama or even the dramas of Shakespeare.  But the drama some people try to cause and successfully do cause other people and in turn themselves.

Life is too short for drama and purposely picking fights with people and cause all sorts of drama.  I don’t understand how some people can cause drama or even feed off of it.  I think it takes too much energy just dealing with it on the outside, I can’t imagine how tiring it is on the inside of the drama.  I don’t understand how people can crave the drama and want it so badly that they need to cause it even if there is no grounding for it.  I mean why start a fight with someone for no apparent reason?  Why harm a friendship and possibly ruin it for no reason?  I don’t get it.

Drama should be left to T.V. shows like Law and Order or CSI.  I understand being upset and wanting to talk to someone or whatever but making a scene in public, talking trash behind people’s backs etc.  It’s just  uncalled for.  What’s the point?  So everyone around you can see?  What good does that do?  I am dumbfounded by some of the things I hear and have experienced based on the drama.  I somewhat expected people to act better, their age etc.  But I was wrong.  I should learn that I can’t be surprised by anyone anymore….its all to be expected.

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