Jun 18, 2011

Father’s Day

When I was younger I wasn’t a fan of this day, in fact I don’t think I really understood it because my own father was never present.  Then it became a day to just honor dads I knew..  But now that I am almost 30, the day has a new meaning.  A better meaning.  Throughout my life as I mentioned the man who gave me life was never a father.  He was never around, I barely knew him and in fact I don’t remember much about him.  What I do remember are bad things about him.  BUT (there’s always gotta be a but) when I was 13 or so God blessed me and my brother with someone who goes above and beyond the roles of a dad.

The man I call Daddy is the most amazing man I ever known.  He gives without asking for anything in return.  When someone needs help, he is there.  Daddy is the kind of man who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked him too.   He did what he could to try to understand the interests of my brother and I, and was at pretty much all my chorus concerts and Brandon’s wrestling matches.  He wasn’t asked to be daddy, he assumed the role the moment he started dating my mom.  It takes a strong man with a HUGE heart to accept a woman’s teenage children as his own and nothing less.

Being a father takes a whole lot  more than genetics, its about being a part of the child’s life.  Being that positive role model and doing what it takes to bring them happiness and help nuture them into great people no matter the sacrifice.  Its about being strict!  Yea Im saying part of being a dad, or a mom is to be strict to put limits and restrictions on the things kids can do…My dad took us in as teenagers and raised us into two fine adults.  We had restrictions and limits and we respected him and my mom for it.  It taught us more than allowing us to do what we wanted.  I love my dad and he is everything and deserves every honor that Father’s Day gives.

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