Jul 3, 2011

Valley of Death

Most of us know the beginning lines to Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.”  Many times we quote that scripture at funerals, but do we ever really apply it to our every day life?  Do we honestly believe God is with us when we are going through our darkest of hours?  Do we notice the set of footsteps walking beside us, or realize when there is one set, that we are being carried not abandoned?

Too often we lean towards the latter.  We believe that when we go through the valley of darkness that God abandons us or even causes us to go through that valley.  We tend to think when things get bad and we struggle, God high tails it away from us and leaves us to shoulder the burden on our own.  We seem to have this idea of God being mean and leaving us on our own.  When the Bible itself tells us God is with us, and when times are sunshine and rainbows we agree with Psalm 23.

Sometimes I wonder what more we expect from God.  I know some people want to see some grand miracle as if things that happen in everyday life isn’t enough.  God’s miracles are everywhere if we only open our eyes and see it, but we are too preoccupied with wondering why God isn’t present for us that we don’t notice Him doing everything short of smacking us in the face and sometimes he does that.  We want God to fit into this little mold we’ve created for Him, but he doesn’t and when something doesn’t go according to our plan we turn on Him.  So much for fearing no evil and believing God is there with us through everything.

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