Sep 7, 2010

Better Nature

Sometimes through our hardships and struggles we learn things about ourselves.  We learn our true selves, who we really are like I mention in an earlier post.  I think a lot of the times we get so wrapped up in daily life, the things we NEED to do like work, bills, grocery shopping, etc that we lose grasp of who we really are.

A rabbi named Yehudah Fine made the statement the “even in the black depths of pain and despair, their struggles could give birth to their better natures.”  When we are in that depth of despair and heartache we struggle not just with whatever is happening in our lives but also with ourselves.  I think when we are in the black pit we are forced to see ourselves for who and what we really are, and a lot of the time we don’t like what we see.  The more we struggle the more we learn about ourselves and learn to accept who we are.  I think that is part of the acceptance that opens doors.  When we accept our true selves then more doors open.

We go through the process of being reborn through our struggles and tribulations.  We learn the true nature of ourselves and sometimes through the process of being reborn we become better people in some form or another.  We become a new person because of our struggles and hardships.  I know through my hardships I have learned new things and feel like I have been reborn into a better nature.  A better outlook on life, better understanding, better…well everything.  I think thats what all of our hardships do.  We don’t see it but they teach us things, sometimes though we are unwilling to learn.

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