Sep 14, 2010

Spiritual Gems

 Alot of the time when we go through something we don’t realize the things we learn.  The gems we find within our difficult times.  The book I am reading says something interesting about the spiritual gems that we find throughout our difficult periods.  “Nothing that happens is to be ignored.  Everything requires attention and mindfulness.  There are spiritual gems to be recovered from the difficult challenges.”  We need to pay attention to everything we are going through whether it is good or bad.  I think too often we want to pay attention to the good and accept the good going on in our lives, but we never pay attention to the difficult things happening in our lives.

We all go through things in life, things that are difficult and hard to find the light through.  While we go through these things we need to look up and pay attention.  We need to stand strong and face everything head on whether or not we are afraid of what would happen or not.  We need to pay attention and see what we can learn from these difficult times through a mindful understanding.  The things we learn through our difficult times and the ways we change through them are spiritual gems.  Too often we try to hide and bottle the bad stuff up only to have it all explode on us ten times worse.  We cannot ignore things that are happening to us.  We need to accept things for the way they are   and accept it all as is.

We never know how important it is to surrender to the things life grants us whether it is good or bad.  We only understand the full importance when we go through a difficult period.  We will still try to hide things, but we will begin to learn the importance everything holds in our lives and we will begin to surrender ourselves to everything.

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