Aug 30, 2010


This weekend I went camping, well Saturday into Sunday.  It was so much fun and I really enjoyed the time with my friends.  But while we were there I got the chance to take in nature at its finest and listen to what it had to tell me the way Emerson and Thoreau talked about in their works.  It was so peaceful where we were and I couldn’t help but feel at peace with how things are in my life right now.  Sure I am struggling with a few things, but all the good things outweigh anything bad.  Life is never going to be completely and totally perfect so we can’t expect it to be.  We need to accept it and focus on the good things in our lives like awesome friends and family.

I found myself just sitting there watching my friends and boyfriend interact with each other.  Or watching the fire-light dance, the water running over the rocks, hearing animals playing in the water at night.  Everything about this weekend has been peaceful and I feel rejuvenated from it.  Im ready to take on the week and tackle any issue that may arise.  Im happy with letting doors close and seeing what else life has more me.  Life is going to throw me hardballs, and make things alittle difficult but that is the point in life right?  The real world?  Everything isn’t going to be ponies and candy (though Tom’s diet when he gets old is going to consist of candy) its going to be tough and we are going to have to struggle through things and find ways to work through it all.  We need to find that peace within, that peace that nature has.  Camping this weekend helped me a lot, maybe I should do it more often.

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