Sep 15, 2010

A Real Connection

I read something that hit me like a ton of bricks.  I stopped reading and sat back to start writing this blog.  What I read said “It’s a deeper life.  A life of connection to people on a more real level.”  I sit here thinking about the connections I have with the people in my life are they real?  Or something else.

The quote above is a part of a woman’s story of overcoming a hardship she had in her life.  I think many times we go through these hardships and hard times so that we can strengthen the connections we have with people.  Since being diagnosed with cancer and then told I was cured, I know my connections with people in my life have been different.  Some are so much stronger, deeper and as the woman said, more real.  We go through awful things to learn how to live a new life and become more connected with the people in our lives because we come to realize how important they are to us.

Our connections to the people in our lives get stronger get…more personal when we allow them into our lives during the struggles.  The people who were there every step of the way during my cancer are the people I feel the closest to while those who turned away the connection…doesn’t seem as real.  Even the connections I have made afterwards..there are some that feel like the level is more real than others and I’m not sure why that is.  It is easier for me to allow people in and get a better glimpse of who I am and what makes me tick.  Through all our hardships and happy times, it’s the connection to those around us that matters.  Even when we feel we need space and don’t want to talk to people…we need to keep those connections alive before the fade and become less real.

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