Sep 17, 2010


I know I said I would try to do this more often, and I kind of slipped away from it.  But I would like to get back into doing a weekly post of the things I am thankful for in my life.

Random txt messages from a wonderful boyfriend

The support of family

Being healthy and the things I learned from my diagnosis

Pocket Sushi” “Hey hey hey” and other inside jokes with friends

The random sound of my cat purring at 3am

The smell after fresh fallen rain

Talents that God has blessed me with

Seeing progress in the children I work with

A church I don’t feel judged in

Meeting new people each and every day

There are so many things throughout life that we should be thankful for.  It’s hard to pull out just a few things.  I have learned through my hardships and difficult times that you need to find things to be thankful for and to look forward to having in your life.  What are some of the things  you are thankful for?

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