Aug 23, 2010

The Real Me

I am still reading Broken Open; I know its taking me a while to read, longer than most books, but I’ve been taking my time and really letting some of what the author says really sink in.  I read something today that actually made me stop and think.  It was a quote from Ram Dass “Nothing more to lose. Ego breaks open – then you see who you really are.”

We all can admit that there are things that happen in life that just shatter our ego, possibly a part of the phoenix process I mentioned in a post last week.  It breaks us down until we see who the real us are.  What makes us tick; what the core of who we are..who we really are.  Not who we want to be, or even who we THINK we are, or even who we portray to other people.  The trials we go through break us down and force us to take a look at ourselves and I think a lot of have a hard time with trials because we have a hard time taking that good hard look at ourselves.  We don’t want to admit that we were broken down by something even if it was something out of control.

Sometimes, maybe we need to lose it all to see what really matters to us.  To see things we’ve never noticed before in our lives.  When we lose it all…maybe we will learn to appreciate what we have more.  But what we need to admit and come to terms with before we see those things is sometimes we need to relearn who we are.  Find out who the real me is behind the masks we put on in everyday life; behind all the roles we play daily.  Im starting to ask myself that now…who am I?


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...


this says a lot.

Keep writing and I'll do my best to listen.

~ B