Aug 4, 2010

Open Doors

I am reading this book called Broken Open and there are so many things that it says that is making sense to me and I think I am going to try.  The chapter I read today had a quote at the beginning that is sticking with me and making me think.  It is from a  poet named Rumi.  It says: The moment you accept what troubles you've been given, the door will open.

Sometimes we don’t want to accept our troubles and kind of deny that we are going through anything.  We are human, we will constantly be dealing with some sort of hardship no matter what it is.  Yet for some unknown reason we cannot accept that we go through things.  Whenever someone asks how are things going or how do  you like your new job; we never answer what is on our minds.  We never say things just aren’t going right.  We never say that there is a struggle in our lives.  Why not?  Why can’t we admit that we are hurting?

Rumi says that once we accept our troubles doors will be open. We tend to pound at that door, trying to make it open but its like pad-locked.  We need to accept the fact that we will go through troubles and tribulations.  We need to share not only our accomplishments and satisfaction, but also our sorrows and failures.  There is nothing wrong in admitting that sometimes things aren’t always sunshine and rainbows.  Because seriously when is it really all sunshine and rainbows?

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