Aug 13, 2010

Letting Go

I am having a conversation with one of my good friends about letting go of people we care about and love.  While we love these people dearly; we know we need to let them go and do what they need to do. What we both are realizing is that we are accepting the situations that we have like the book Broken Open talks about; new doors are opening.  Things are slightly changing.  We are accepting that one door might be closing on us and instead of trying to wedge our feet in to keep it open….something else presents itself.

I think a lot of time we are all stuck trying to hold onto the past whether it is a person we love, a job we gave up, an opportunity we let pass us by or whatever we try to hold on to it.  Hold onto some of our failures; I know I’m guilty of that.  We are constantly looking back instead of looking forward.  We want to keep trying to either wedge our feet into the door close or bust down the door that has already been close.  When we do that we don’t notice all the doors that are being open to us.  Why do we do that?  Why can’t we let things go and try to break through the closed doors.  Why can’t we just let go and accept the way things are?  Especially if it hurts so bad.

I have decided to just realize that when I accept things for the way they are and not try to hold onto the things I need to let go, i will see the doors more clearly and maybe…just  maybe be a little bit happier.

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